Top 4 Reasons you need Interloper Inc.

Any business that aims at being competitive today should have a professional website. If your business does not have a professionally designed website, you risk losing many potential clients. People don’t take you seriously. Customers evaluate products and companies long before they make their buying decision and if your website does not measure up in form or function, your prospects will click away to your competitor’s. Why lose customers?

Most projects require multiple skills and being a company enables us to put the right person on the right job and make sure your project gets done in the best possible manner and on time.

Four Key areas we can help you with:

1. Form:

The way we approach your project is to first assign you one of our creative designers who will work with you to put together a design that reflects your vision for your website, looks elegant and professional and most importantly meets the expectations of the type of customers you are trying to attract. During this process we may go back and forth several times to get the design just right. Good design should establish brand identity, credibility, be in line with current trends and technologies, drive your call to action and give you a competitive advantage.

2. Function:

Once design is finalized, we hand it over to our developers to integrate the design into the backend and incorporate all the necessary functionalities. Our focus is making the customer experience easy and fruitful. They should be able to find the information they need easily and then make them flow through the website to the desired action.

3. Traffic Generation:

We have a very methodical, slow and steady approach to generating organic traffic. We start with Social Media Marketing and then move over to traditional SEO as a secondary activity. Our focus is always on generating real traffic to your page or site. Traditional SEO focuses on moving you up in search engine results. Social Media Marketing focuses on generating organic traffic straight to your page or website, by that I mean real people visiting your site. Since search engines now highly value social traffic, quite often all this social activity results in better search engine rankings too.

4. CRM – Customer Relationship Management:

It’s very hard to get a customer. Once you do and serve him well, shouldn’t you follow up regularly and build on that relationship? Unfortunately most companies don’t. It boggles the mind but that’s how it is. We help you implement a CRM system to strengthen your relationship with your customers and make him a lifetime customer.

Depending on the industry you are in and which study you believe, acquiring a new customer is five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one. It makes sense. You don’t have to spend time and resources going out and finding a new client — you just have to keep the one you have happy.

Convinced? Call us or fill out the contact form and let’s explore how we can help you grow your business.

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