High end beauty products require special attention

When you are developing a website for a high end beauty product, you have to pay special attention to layout, colors and the subtlety of design. The female market is very sensitive to good design and a well designed website makes them more comfortable and enthusiastic.

Miracle Hydrate was a challenge as the client wanted to use only black and white colors and the various shades of black and white. It took a while to get it right but the end result was totally in line with their market positioning.

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  • Use only black and white colors
  • Convert colored pictures to various shades of gray
  • Blend in testimonials
  • Easy checkout

Web Design Tips:

  • Know your target demographic
  • Design to your demographic – if you have a quality product but design a cheap website, it will scare away buyers and vice versa
  • Good design is expensive but in the end what matters is what generates you more business
Client's website:http://miraclehydrate.com

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